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Consumers beware


WA beekeepers urge caution in buying discount honey

The organisation that represents all honey producers in WA, the Bee Industry Council of WA (BICWA), has urged consumers to be wary of buying very low priced honey.

Testing of cheap imported honey conducted by the Honey Bee Industry has identified that consumers may not be getting what they pay for.

BICWA Chair Brendon Fewster, said “the analysis has shown that the product tested, that is on shelves in Western Australia, contained cheap rice sugar syrup with caramel additives to imitate honey. Products la

belled as honey, selling at low prices, may not be what it claims to be.

Consumers need to check the label and ensure they are buying 100% Western Australian Honey and not imported honey.”

“We are all aware of the increased cost of many grocery products and the temptation to buy on price alone, but this product will not provide the taste or health benefits consumers expect from WA honey,” he said.

“We are disappointed that it has been allowed into Australia, and we have lodged complaints with the Department and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to have the product removed. We will also be monitoring retail outlets to determine the extent of its distribution.

“WA beekeepers produce the best honey in the world from our pristine forests and environment.”

BICWA is urging consumers to look twice at the label and ensure it is 100% Australian honey. This will ensure you are supporting the industry that pollinates two thirds of the food you eat.

“Our major supermarkets are big supporters of WA producers and stock a good variety of local honey at prices that represent the outstanding quality of the honey and the substantial investment and hard work of our beekeepers.”

“WA produced honey is also available online and from farmers’ markets at a wide range of prices.”

BICWA represents all beekeepers in WA, including hobby producers through to significant commercial operators.

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