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Industry Forms and Regulations

DPIRD WA Beekeeper Registration Form

It is a legal requirement for all beekeepers in Western Australia to be registered with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). Upon registration, you will be issued with a certificate and provided a Unique Brand Identifier. Your Brand Identifier must be printed on all your beekeeping equipment (e.g. hives). Your Hive Brand fee is due every 3rd year. Click the button to print the application to register as a beekeeper.

APC Beekeepers Fee for Service

With your hive brand registration, you will also receive a request for payment of the Agricultural Produce Commission (APC) beekeeper charge in late April or early May of each year. This fee paid to APC enables your Beekeeper committee to provide services such as pest and disease surveillance, advocacy with policymakers, beekeeper training, research initiatives, and producing the Bee Informed industry newsletter. This fee is paid annually. 

DBCA Regulations & Forms

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) is the Western Australian government department responsible for managing lands and waters described in the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984. 

General Conditions for using Apiary Authorities on Crown land in Western Australia

Recommended Reads

For a list of recommended Industry Books head to our Training Page.

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