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Update / Transitioning honey & apiculture products to NEXDOC


We would like to inform you of a change to countries that will be transitioned onto NEXDOC for honey and apiculture products (excluding live bees) on Thursday, 28 July 2022.

China has been removed from the list of countries moving onto NEXDOC due to their request for additional certification requirements, which must be addressed first.

The department will continue to work with China to discuss their needs. We will keep you updated on any changes in the certification process.

In the meantime, exports of honey and apiculture products to China should continue using the manual process in line with Micor.

A full list of countries transitioning to Nexdoc on Thursday, 28 July 2022 can be found on the NEXDOC webpage.

We have had great engagement from the honey industry, with exporters joining our virtual drop-in sessions to learn about the new system and registration process.

We will continue to host these sessions over the coming weeks and ask for your support in encouraging exporters to ask us questions about the changes to ensure they are prepared.

To support you with the transition, choose the support options below:

  • Attend a virtual drop-in session (see flyer attached), which will address how to register for NEXDOC, lodge a REX and allow you to ask any questions about the system. Visit the NEXDOC website for session details.

  • Download the NEXDOC user guides.

  • View the short videos that step you through how to use NEXDOC.

  • Read the attached flyer – it contains information about the changes and drop-in sessions.

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