​Welcome to BICWA - The Bee Industry Council of Western Australia.
The Beekeeping Industry Council of Western Australia Ltd. was established in December 2015 by existing WA bee organisations to represent the bee industry in Western Australia. BICWA is a non-profit public company limited by guarantee.
Click here to find out more about our Member Organisations.
Across our site, you will find everything you need to know about Beekeeping in Western Australia. Whether you are just interested in bees, want to have a hive in your backyard, or want to become, or work for, a commercial beekeeper, you have come to the right place!
Western Australia is the 'garden state' when it comes to keeping bees. We are lucky enough that with our strict quarantine border security we have, so far, been successful in keeping out diseases and pests. WA does have American Foul Brood (AFB) but this is manageable through basic good hive husbandry.
For more details on disease management please click here.
If you are interested in starting in beekeeping we suggest you attend one of the WA Apiarists' Society meetings, held on the first Thursday of each month, where you can network with like-minded recreational beekeepers and maybe take part in a basic beekeeping course.
If you want to step up your knowledge to the commercial level then you should contact
go to our training webpage to undertake a basic or more advanced training course or
check out our TRADE webpage to find out all about our unique honey and its distributors
Whatever your level of interest, we wish you all the best in your journey.
Remember the best lessons learnt are through beekeeper communication, so don't be afraid to ask questions.
Your BICWA Committee
Our Committee
Chairperson - Melanie Tolich
Vice Chairperson - Mikey Cernotta
Treasurer - Michael Bellman
Secretary - Michael Bellman
Meet your BICWA Committee 2023/24. Learn more about the BICWA Structure.
No matter whether you’re a recreational or commercial beekeeper, we have the information to help you on your beekeeping journey. BICWA is committed to representing the interest of all beekeepers.
Our Vision/Mission
To secure a profitable and sustainable bee industry in Western Australia by protecting the interests of producers and co-dependent industries, identifying and actioning threats to industry and supporting initiatives for industry growth and development.
Goal & Objective
BICWA's goal is to coordinate industry activity and funds in such a manner which achieves the vision of the Council for the industry. Click below to access the following: