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AHBIC Varroa Update, 85 days of response


15th September 2022

UPDATED Emergency Order No. 28

Commercial Queen Breeders can resume business

Queens and queen cells can now be raised and sold commercially within NSW with conditions including completing the Tocal training and completing at least one alcohol wash (must notify the department of results through the online form) on the apiary prior to the first round of catching queens.

In addition, it is also a requirement to maintain accurate records of queens moving out of your operation.

Records that must be maintained include.

  • the date on which movement occurs, and

  • details of the origin and destination premises

Washing requirements have changed Alcohol washing of hives is now no longer tied to hive movements.

NSW apiarists now must do at least one alcohol wash in every 16 weeks period regardless of if they move or not.

Beekeepers must report the results of the alcohol washes through the online form when completed.

The ratio of washing hives has not changed. The following applies to an operation:-

  • Less than 64 hives owned – all hives must be washed

  • 64 hives up to 640 hives owned – washing of 64 hives

  • 640 hives or more owned – 10% of hives washed

Hive movements require a declaration Commercial beekeepers who want to move hives must submit a movement declaration form through the existing online system.

Beekeepers must have completed at least one alcohol wash in accordance with the washing requirements above before moving.

The movement declaration form also requires beekeepers to have completed the Tocal online training course.

Dealing with swarms in zones In the PURPLE and RED ZONES, registered beekeepers can catch a swarm, but only for the purpose of euthanising the swarm.

Swarms must not be kept in this Zone.

In the BLUE ZONE a registered beekeeper may catch and keep a swarm.

You must alcohol wash the swarm before you move it, and once it has been moved to your apiary, it can be managed as any other hive.

For any questions please contact / 0402 467 780

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